Siegel Planning Services
Scot Siegel, FAICP LEED AP, founded Siegel Planning Services LLC in 2004 to provide individualized planning for distinctive communities. Siegel Planning prepared community plans, design standards, and zoning and development codes for jurisdictions throughout the western United States. They also provided strategic planning for public agencies and served as contract planners and planning managers for local governments.
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MIG is dedicated to improving, adapting, and creating environments, organizations and tools in support of human development. Like Siegel Planning, MIG is known for providing excellent services to its clients, most of whom are public agencies. Together, we have broadened our capabilities in land use planning, multi-modal transportation planning, contract city planning, zoning and development code updates, and a wide range of other planning, design, and communication services. For more information, please visit or you may contact Jon Phaenis at in our Portland office.

“Of all of the comprehensive model codes APA reviewed, this is one of the best.”
– American Planning Association, referring to Oregon’s Model Development Code for Small Cities